Coalition & Partner Resources


TFQC Publications

FY22 Year In Review

The TFQC coalition publishes a Year In Review after each fiscal year to highlight the initiatives of the past year. You can view the two most recent Year In Review documents (FY21 and FY22) below.

TFQC Vaping Information Rack Card

In 2022, the TFQC Community Education Workgroup created an informational vaping focused rack card. This card discusses key points about vaping in a concise format and provides contact information for free quitting resources. You can access an electronic copy below or request printed copies.

TFQC Member Recruitment Rack Cards

In 2022, the TFQC Community Education Workgroup also created a member recruitment rack card. This card offers a brief overview of TFQC’s work and offers TFQC’s contact information for those that are interested in pursuing membership. You can access an electronic copy below or request printed copies.

TFQC Vaping Guide

During 2018 and 2019, the coalition worked tirelessly on a resource guide titled, Clearing the Air: The Truth about Vaping.

You can view the guide here.