FY24 TFQC Year In Review

TFQC is celebrating another successful fiscal year! The coalition continued it’s work to prevent and reduce the impact of tobacco and nicotine use in our community. TFQC advertised cessation resources throughout the Quad Cities with billboards, bus shelters ads, and radio ads. We have continued to promote tobacco and nicotine-free policies. Our big success was partnering with the Scott County Health Department and the City Administrator of Eldridge to pass a zoning ordinance for vape shops! Additionally, we were able to add another ISTEP chapter at North Scott High School, while continuing to support our existing chapter at the Safer Foundation, with now a total of two chapters. We continue to engage the community at events around the Quad Cities and working with our partners. We thank all our partners and community organizations for a great year! Read the TFQC 2024 Year in Review to learn more about the coalition’s work and successes.
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